Current and Previous Grant Projects (2008-2024)
Fox Gives helps revitalize downtown districts by rehabilitating architecturally significant historic landmark buildings, like our own here at 660 Peachtree Street in midtown Atlanta. Fox Gives' success is often part of larger partnered successes through local and regional non-profit and government organizations. The rehabilitation of historic buildings, especially theatres, also creates jobs and retains and grows the arts in large and small cities.
A vibrant theater thrives as the cornerstone of a historic downtown district lined with bustling shops, favorite restaurants, cocktail bars, and plenty of parking – all of whom benefit immeasurably from a season of sold-out shows. From creating new jobs, both within the theater and in surrounding businesses, to helping revitalize declining downtown districts, restoring historic theatre venues often results in saving much more than a historic structure. The Fox Theatre works to help these struggling theaters build a framework of support that we hope sustains beloved local landmarks, as well as the businesses and communities that surround them, for generations to come.
Since its inception, the Fox Theatre has collaborated on more than 96 historic theatre projects and contributed more than $4.2 million in grant funds in theatres across Georgia. We also offer support to non-historic theatres through Georgia Presenters and other technical assistance.
Case Studies of Past Grant Recipients
Southside Theatre Guild Case Study
Fairburn, Georgia 30213
Urgent/Emergency Needs Grant in FY 19-20
Amount Awarded: $75,000
Preservation Grant in FY 21-22
Amount Awarded: $19,300
Total Amount Awarded: $94,300
Plaza Theatre Case Study
1049 Ponce De Leon Avenue Northeast
Atlanta, Georgia 30306
Preservation Grant in FY 13-14
Amount Awarded: $5,610
Historic Structures Studies or Planning Grant in FY 19-20 Amount Awarded: $32,580
Preservation Grant in FY 22-23 Amount Awarded: $68,000
Total Amount Awarded: $106,460
7 Stages Theatre
1105 Euclid Avenue NortheastAtlanta, Georgia 30307
Preservation Grant in FY 17-18
Amount Awarded: $50,000
Preservation Grant in FY 22-23
Amount Awarded: $25,000
Total Amount Awarded: $75,000
Abbeville Opera House
100 Court SquareAbbeville, South Carolina 29620
Urgent/Emergency Needs Grant FY 18-19
Total Amount Awarded: $25,000
Academy Theatre
599 U.S. 19Hapeville, Georgia 30354
Preservation Grant in FY 18-19
Total Amount Awarded: $25,000
ART Station
5384 Manor DriveStone Mountain, Georgia 30083
Preservation Grant in FY 19-20
Total Amount Awarded: $57,000
Arts & Cultural Authority of Claxton and Evans County
707 West Main StreetClaxton, Georgia 30417
Preservation Grant in FY 22-23
Amount Awarded: $69,100
Preservation Grant in FY 23-24
Amount Awarded: $57,400
Preservation & Facilities Grant in FY 24-25
Amount Awarded: $75,000
Total Amount Awarded: $201,500
Arts Center of Moultrie
401 7th Avenue SouthwestMoultrie, Georgia 31768
Preservation Grant in FY 17-18
Amount Awarded: $14,640
Preservation Grant in FY 23-24
Amount Awarded: $50,000
Total Amount Awarded: $64,640
The Arts Council
331 Spring Street SouthwestGainesville, Georgia 30501
Preservation & Facilities Grant in FY24-25
Total Amount Awarded: $75,000
Arts of the Pamlico
150 West Main StreetWashington, North Carolina 27889
Urgent/Emergency Needs Grant in FY 18/19
Total Amount Awarded: $50,000
Averitt Center For the Arts
33 East Main StreetStatesboro, Georgia 30458
Preservation Grant in FY 17-18
Total Amount Awarded: $18,819
Canton Theatre
171 East Main StreetCanton, Georgia 30114
Preservation & Facilities Grant in FY 24-25
Total Amount Awarded: $20,000
Conyers-Rockdale Council for the Arts
910 Center Street NortheastConyers, Georgia 30012
Urgent/Emergency Needs Grant in FY 16-17
Amount Awarded: $11,348
Urgent/Emergency Grant in FY 22-23
Amount Awarded: $6,020
Total Amount Awarded: $17,368
Dalton Little Theatre
210 North Pentz StreetDalton, Georgia 30720
Preservation Grant in FY 21-22
Total Amount Awarded: $15,000
DeSoto Theatre
530 Broad StreetRome, Georgia 30161
Preservation Grant in FY 08-09
Amount awarded: $20,000
Urgent/Emergency Needs Grant in FY 17-18
Amount awarded: $20,000
Historic Structures Studies & Planning Grant in FY 22-23
Amount awarded: $35,000
Historic Structures Studies & Planning Grant in FY 23-24
Amount awarded: $40,000
Total Amount Awarded: $115,000
Dillon County Theatre
114 North Macarthur AvenueDillon, South Carolina 29536
Urgent/Emergency Needs Grant FY 18/19
Total Amount Awarded: $50,000
Douglass Theatre
355 Martin Luther King Junior BoulevardMacon, Georgia 31201
Preservation Grant in FY 15-16
Total Amount Awarded: $10,000
Earl and Rachel Smith Strand Theatre
117 North Park SquareMarietta, Georgia 30060
Preservation Grant in FY 19-20
Amount Awarded: $15,860
Preservation Grant in FY 23-24
Amount Awarded: $31,500
Preservation & Facilities Grant in FY 24-25
Amount Awarded: $33,000
Total Amount Awarded: $80,360
Elba Theatre
231 Court AvenueElba, Alabama 36323
Urgent/Emergency Grant in FY 18-19
Amount Awarded: $25,000
Preservation Grant in FY 22-23
Amount awarded: $59,000
Total Amount Awarded: $84,000
Festival Hall
201 North Main StreetGreensboro, Georgia 30642
Urgent/Emergency Needs Grant in FY 17-18
Amount awarded: $19,640
Historic Structures Studies & Planning Grant in FY 17-18
Amount awarded: $1,250
Preservation & Facilities Grant in FY 24-25
Amount awarded: $25,000
Total Amount Awarded: $45,890
Georgia Historic Preservation Division
60 Executive Park South NortheastAtlanta, Georgia 30329
Technical Assistance Grant in FY 24-25
Total Amount Awarded: $25,000
The Grand Opera House
651 Mulberry StreetMacon, Georgia 31201
Technical Assistance & Services Grant in FY 17-18
Total Amount Awarded: $23,500
Grand Theatre
119 South Main StreetFitzgerald, Georgia 31750
Preservation Grant in FY 09-10
Total Amount awarded: $35,000
Grove Theatre
1576 Donald Lee Hollowell Parkway NorthwestAtlanta, Georgia 30318
Historic Structures Studies & Planning Grant in FY 17-18
Amount awarded: $20,000
Preservation Grant in FY 18-19
Amount awarded: $100,000
Historic Structures Studies or Planning Grant in 19-20
Amount Awarded: $50,000
Preservation Grant in FY 23-24
Amount Awarded: $70,000
Total Amount Awarded: $240,000
Habersham Community Theater
North Washington StreetClarkesville, Georgia 30523
Historic Structures Studies & Planning Grant in FY 17-18
Amount awarded: $3,900
Preservation Grant in FY 18-19
Amount awarded: $49,400
Total Amount Awarded: $53,300
Hart County Community Theatre
83 Depot StreetBlue Ridge, Georgia 30513
Urgent/Emergency Needs Grant in FY 22-23
Total Amount Awarded: $23,000
The Historic Ritz Theatre
1530 Newcastle StreetBrunswick, Georgia 31520
Preservation Grant in FY 10-11
Amount awarded: $50,000
Preservation & Facilities Grant in FY 24-25
Amount awarded: $50,000
Total Amount Awarded: $100,000
Historic Ritz Theatre at the Schaefer Center
139 East Doyle StreetToccoa, Georgia 30577
Preservation Grant in FY 12-13
Amount Awarded: $10,000
Preservation Grant in FY 15-16
Amount Awarded: $46,295
Total Amount Awarded: $56,295
Holly Theatre
69 West Main StreetDahlonega, Georgia 30533
Preservation Grant in FY 14-15
Amount awarded: $10,000
Historic Structures Studies and Planning Grant in FY 18-19
Amount awarded: $6,600
Preservation Grant in FY 19-20
Amount Awarded: $22,500
Total Amount Awarded: $39,100
Imperial Theatre
749 Broad StreetAugusta, Georgia 30901
Strategic Planning Grant in FY 10-11
Amount awarded: $5,000
Preservation Grant in FY 17-18
Amount awarded: $42,258
Historic Structures Studies and Planning Grant in FY 18-19
Amount awarded: $15,000
Preservation Grant in FY 23-24
Amount awarded: $30,000
Total Amount Awarded: $92,258
Karrh Community Arts Center
107 North Green StreetSwainsboro, Georgia 30401
Preservation Grant in FY 17-18
Amount Awarded: $61,576
Preservation Grant in FY 21-22
Amount Awarded: $22,500
Total Amount Awarded: $84,076
Knox Theatre
311 North Norwood StreetWarrenton, Georgia 30828
Preservation Grant in FY 12-13
Total Amount Awarded: $20,000
Liberty Theatre Cultural Center
813 8th AvenueColumbus, Georgia 31901
Technical Assistance & Services Grant in FY 21-22
Total Amount Awarded: $25,000
Madison Morgan Cultural Center
434 South Main StreetMadison, Georgia 30650
Preservation Grant in FY 15-16
Amount awarded: $25,000
Preservation Grant in FY 17-18
Amount awarded: $16,195
Total Amount Awarded: $41,195
Marigold Auditorium for Arts and Culture
371 North Church StreetWinterville, Georgia 30683
Preservation Grant in FY 17-18
Amount awarded: $55,476
Preservation Grant in FY 18-19
Amount awarded: $47,500
Technical Assistance & Services Grant in FY 19-20
Amount Awarded: $5,000
Preservation & Facilities Grant in FY 24-25
Amount awarded: $58,000
Total Amount Awarded: $165,976
Mars Theatre
106 South Laurel StreetSpringfield, Georgia 31329
Preservation Grant in FY 12-13
Total Amount Awarded: $20,000
Miller Theater
708 Broad StreetAugusta, Georgia 30901
Preservation Grant in FY 15-16
Total Amount Awarded: $50,000
Morton Theatre
195 West Washington StreetAthens, Georgia 30601
Preservation Grant in FY 11-12
Total Amount Awarded: $30,000
Pex Theatre (Eatonton Downtown Development Authority)
123 South Jefferson AvenueEatonton, Georgia 31024
Urgent/Emergency Needs Grant in FY 19-20
Total Amount Awarded: $50,000
The Plaza Arts Center
305 North Madison AvenueEatonton, Georgia 31024
Preservation Grant in FY 18-19
Total Amount Awarded: $66,400
Plaza Theatre
1049 Ponce De Leon Avenue NortheastAtlanta, Georgia 30306
Preservation Grant in FY 13-14
Amount Awarded: $5,610
Historic Structures Studies or Planning Grant in FY 19-20
Amount Awarded: $32,580 Preservation Grant in FY 22-23 Amount Awarded: $68,000
Total Amount Awarded: $106,190
The President Theatre
111 Broad StreetManchester, Georgia 31816
Preservation Grant in FY 13-14
Total Amount Awarded: $27,000
Roosevelt Theatre
147 Athens StreetJefferson, Georgia 30549
Historic Structures Studies or Planning Grant in FY 19-20
Total Amount Awarded: $32,500
Rose Theatre (The Backlot Players)
23 West Johnston StreetForsyth, Georgia 31029
Preservation Grant in FY 19-20
Total Amount Awarded: $13,500
Royal Theatre
400 East Main StreetHogansville, Georgia 30230
Historic Structures Studies & Planning Grant in FY 17-18
Amount awarded: $29,125
Preservation Grant in FY 18-19
Amount awarded: $51,250
Preservation Grant in FY 23-24
Amount awarded: $75,000
Preservation & Facilities Grant in FY 24-25
Amount awarded: $34,000
Total Amount Awarded: $189,375
Rylander Theatre
310 West Lamar StreetAmericus, Georgia 31709
Preservation Grant in FY 18-19
Amount Awarded: $50,000
Urgent/Emergency Needs Grant in FY 19-20
Amount Awarded: $50,000
Urgent/Emergency Needs Grant in FY 21-22
Amount Awarded: $15,000
Total Amount Awarded: $115,000
Sandersville School Building Authority
514 North Harris StreetSandersville, Georgia 31082
Preservation Grant in FY 19-20
Amount Awarded: $46,060
Preservation Grant in FY 21-22
Amount Awarded: $14,400
Total Amount Awarded: $60,460

Sara O'Kelley Municipal Auditorium
123 Lagrange StreetGrantville, Georgia 30220
Historic Structures Studies and Planning Grant in FY 18-19
Total Amount Awarded: $32,190
Sautee Nacoochee Community Association
283 Georgia 255Sautee Nacoochee, Georgia 30571
Technical Assistance Grant in FY 24-25
Amount awarded: $25,000
Southside Theatre Guild
20 West Campbellton StreetFairburn, Georgia 30213
Urgent/Emergency Needs Grant in FY 19-20
Amount Awarded: $75,000
Preservation Grant in FY 21-22
Amount Awarded: $19,300
Preservation Grant in FY 23-24
Amount Awarded: $20,000
Total Amount Awarded: $114,300
Springer Opera House
103 East 10th StreetColumbus, Georgia 31901
Urgent/Emergency Needs Grant in FY 23-24
Amount awarded: $50,000
Preservation & Facilities Grant in FY 24-25
Amount awarded: $60,000
Total Amount Awarded: $110,000
Telfair Center for the Arts
903 West College StreetMcRae, Georgia 31055
Urgent/Emergency Needs Grant in FY 17-18
Total Amount Awarded: $12,200
Theatre Albany
514 Pine AvenueAlbany, Georgia 31701
Urgent/Emergency Needs Grant in FY 17-18
Total Amount Awarded: $34,393
Theatre on the Green
200 Market StreetCheraw, South Carolina 29520
Urgent/Emergency Needs Grant FY 18-19
Total Amount Awarded: $50,000
Theatre Macon
438 Cherry StreetMacon, Georgia 31201
Urgent/Emergency Grant in FY 18-19
Total Amount Awarded: $25,000
Theatrical Outfit/Balzar Theatre
84 Luckie Street NorthwestAtlanta, Georgia 30303
Preservation Grant in FY 22-23
Total Amount Awarded: $30,000
Thomasville Municipal Auditorium
144 East Jackson StreetThomasville, Georgia 31792
Historic Structures Studies & Planning Grant in FY 21-22
Total Amount Awarded: $22,500
Tift Theatre
320 Main Street SouthTifton, Georgia 31794
Preservation Grant in FY 17-18
Amount Awarded: $77,027
Preservation Grant in FY 22-23
Amount Awarded: $70,000
Total Amount Awarded: $147,027

Tooga Theatre
10107 Commerce StreetSummerville, Georgia 30747
Preservation Grant in FY 21-22
Amount Awarded: $39,275.00
Preservation & Facilities Grant in FY 24-25
Amount awarded: $20,000
Total Amount Awarded: $59,275
Tos Theatre
44 West Bacon StreetPembroke, Georgia 31321
Historic Structures Studies & Planning Grant in FY 22-23
Amount awarded: $75,000
Technical Assistance and Services Grant in FY 23-24
Amount Awarded: $25,000
Total Amount Awarded: $100,000
Warrenton Cultural Center
226 South Gibson StreetWarrenton, Georgia 30828
Preservation Grant in FY 18-19
Total Amount Awarded: $17,600
Waycross Area Community Theatre
309 Pendleton StreetWaycross, Georgia 31501
Preservation Grant in FY 18-19
Amount Awarded: $19,625
Urgent/Emergency Needs Grant in FY 23-24
Amount Awarded: $22,000
Total Amount Awarded: $41,625